Back by popular demand, starting on Wednesday, June 23rd.
Menopause is not fun, but it can be the wildest hormonal time of your life. It is like a light switch that gets turned on at a certain age. For some there are no symptoms, but for others it can be a long journey. Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability are all symptoms where your body is crying for help.
No, you are not crazy - it is real! Ovaries are shutting down, other organs are making up the hormonal slack, organs that may already be overworked and not up for the job.
Join the 15-Day Women’s Metabolic Reset where you will learn all about hormones, how they work and how they are controlled by a team of organs. Experience diet and fasting variation, balance hormones and become metabolically flexible! Reset will include a meal plan, recipes, shopping list, 10 video lessons, 4 live Zoom calls/or in person with intro, info & Q&A. Fifteen-minute consult before/during/after reset included.
Women’s Metabolic Reset is led by Larisa Belote, Health Practitioner & Certified Detox Specialist. Call, text or email for more information and to register. Tel: 732.996.6963, email: Website: