by Dr. Jean
Overt and Covert Cravings what help can we tap into? If we let our conscious mind do the walking, it may be causing us problems and boosting unhealthy behaviors. Cravings can be defined as an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing for something. These unhealthy desires are increasing in this troubled and turbulent time. Our conscious mind tries to power through the cravings, but it neither has the stamina or the support to see it through.
Perhaps in some cases will power works for us. We all have positive examples, but in most cases will power alone fails, and we should not punish ourselves for that. How many times in our semi-secret New Year’s Resolution list, did we focus on better exercise, reduced calories, and healthy food? Driving by the parking lot of our favorite gym on January 2nd of the year whatever, we find not a single parking space empty. If we are honest with ourselves, will power does not seem the way to establish a healthy behavior. Of course, there are exceptions, but if we take an honest look at where we are at the start of quarter 2 of 2021, are we really one of them?
We are facing an increase in cravings. This is all occurring in an environment of declining mental stability. The levels of addiction, lock down induced isolation, depression, sadness, general and social anxiety, as well as widespread overwhelming stress are seriously rising. Mental instability coupled with a huge increase in unhealthy weight gain, is simply stated quite alarming. But that risk is apparent, abundant, and obvious.
What about the covert risks? The ones that go unnoticed (under the radar, so to speak). Is that easy fast food “healthy” option really killing me right now? The answer of course is a resounding “no”. Is the pandemic increasing the number of junk food junkies? The answer is -for sure, yes! Is weight a problem in this country? A reverberating “yes”; obesity has always been a problem. Would it not be nice to lose those extra pounds? Remember the high school you! The instability of the world has only magnified this problem and too many other unhealthy cravings. Indeed, it even gets worse. Lung deficiency and increased weight are two of the most obvious factors in making Covid-19 critical and life threatening.
Are there other Unhealthy Cravings on the Rise?
· Drug addiction
· Smoking
· Poor Nutrition (hence a junk food junkie)
· Lack of Exercise
· Alcoholism
· Vaping and other Tobacco Products
· Etc.
In this last year life has taken us for a ride, but it is time to take charge and plot our own journey.
It would be nice to just lay back and relax, while knowing exactly what we are going to do and when. Unfortunately, the world is dynamic, and this past year has shown us we are not always the masters of our navigation. In most cases our conscious mind prefers the certainty of a boring lifestyle. We have spent a year in a holding pattern waiting for life to once again bend to our will. To cope with that stagnation, many have self-medicated with food, alcohol, and other items. The light at the end of the tunnel is now shinning bright in our eyes. We are emerging from the pandemic and learning to access our subconscious to release the unhealthy thoughts and bad behavior works when we practice hypnosis to kick-start our healing process. Remember that eliminating bad behavior is extremely difficult but substituting a healthy behavior for a bad one is easier. Moving forward in our life in balance and in a natural way, comes from inner peace and calm. Now might be the perfect time to focus on the healthy-you and not your cravings.
Jean Eljay, PhD, MS, CMT, AdvHC, CH, NLPC. Any questions or comments or to schedule a consultation, please contact Dr. Jean at 484.574.1144 or Email at Office Location: 800 West Main Street Suite #201 Freehold, NJ 07728
