Meditation is a daily practice that helps to calm the mind, improve psychological balance, creates healing in the body, and creates a healthy brain. Research suggests that meditation can help heal injured parts of the brain, increasing brain function and improving many health problems by promoting healthy behaviors.
Venerable Bhante Sujatha, The Loving Kindness Monk, a 30+ year Buddhist Monk, is singularly focused on adding more love in the world. Bhante teaches loving-kindness meditation to people around the globe for all those seeking the art of happiness and contentment. His approach to meditation is deep and simple, bringing core Buddhist teachings to everyone in a way that is practical and easy to understand. A joyful, radiant, funny and wildly energetic monk, Bhante will help you obtain peace that can only be found in deep silence. He is originally from Sri Lanka and is the head monk / abbot of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center in Woodstock, IL. Bhante believes his purpose is not only to teach meditation, but also, “teaching people how to be happy.”
Sunday, May 16th 4-5:30pm $30 (Proceeds go to Bhante's "Mothers & Incubator Project" in Sri Lanka), please call Lisa Matthews to register 973.452.2828.
