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Address: PO Box 61  

Leonardo, NJ 07737



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In each issue of Natural Awakenings magazine our readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

Monmouth and Ocean Natural Awakenings magazine is part of a growing family of locally owned magazines in more than 45 national markets. By being part of a larger network of magazines, we can provide the latest health and wellness information available through feature articles written by nationally-recognized authors, as well as articles by local experts.

In 2019 Natural Awakenings distributed 10 million copies each month through over 30,000 different locations, including local health food stores, fitness centers, book stores, health care facilities, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally available.

If you would like to learn more about Natural Awakenings, please email me - or call 732.230.7337. 

Thank you for your interest in Natural Awakenings!

Warm wishes,

Sharon :)

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