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Don't Miss - A 30,000 Foot View of the Food Supply in the U.S.A

Ennis Murphy

In this workshop you will learn where the food supply was several decades ago, where it is today, and how it got there.

Ennis Murphy of Two River Health will explain how, prior to World War II, over 40% of the food Americans ate came from small family farms and, why, by the 1970's only 2% of the food we ate came from these small farmers.

What does all this mean for our food and consequently for our health and the health of our families?

Ennis will explain what we can do to protect ourselves from this chemical and preservative laden processed food onslaught that is part and parcel of this modern era of Industrial Agriculture we now live in.

Location: Dean's Natural Food Market, Ocean

Date: June 19th

Ennis Murphy is a Certified Integrative Health Coach. To learn more about his practice and approach to overall health, please visit his website at


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