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Advanced Reiki Level III Training

Elena from The Yoga Loft, 462 Adelphia Road, Freehold will lead an Advanced Reiki Level III Training Sunday, April 30, 12-4:30pm. This training is for Reiki healers who would like to strengthen their healing abilities taught in the First and Second Degree Training and receive the Advanced Level Attunement. The training will include a deeper understanding of the spirituality of Reiki and the eight ways to perceive energy, another Reiki symbol and other Christian symbols will be introduced, in addition to learning the energy techniques of Beaming and Scanning. Additional hand positions will be shown and ways to perform Collective Absentee Reiki will be covered. All participants will receive an Advanced Reiki Level Attunement and a Certificate. Reiki treatments will be given to each other, so please avoid eating meat the day before and wear comfortable clothing. Please register early to reserve your spot by emailing (if registering by email, provide your phone number) or call/text 732.239.2333. Cost: $175


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