Growing Season has begun again for Farmingdale’s Merrick Farm. For over 100 years, Merrick Farm has been part of the Monmouth County farm community. Owners Sue and Juan have striven, over the last 30 years, to grow healthy food, food you should be pleased to eat. USDA certified organic and naturally grown, Merrick Farm is an organic paradise built on the backs of two very dedicated people. Last season Merrick Farm added a high tunnel to help naturally increase their yield of fruit and vegetable. Early to mid may starts berry season. Strawberries will be ripening in mid-May.
Follow OrgaincFresh on Instagram for updates on what’s growing, what’s pickable, what’s available now, next week, next month. CSA is available. We are also at the Asbury Park Sunset Market starting in June. We also have honey from our farm, garlic, heirloom vegetables culinary and medicinal herbs.