A Cellular Inflammation test looks for malondialdehyde in the urine, a bi-product of cellular inflammation. Remember that we are made up of millions of cells. Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up the body.
Every cell membrane in the body is made up of fat and cholesterol. The more cellular inflammation, the more these cell membranes are metabolized. When the fats are metabolized, malondialdehyde is released into the blood stream by the kidneys.
Cellular Inflammation test works by measuring the amount of malondialdehyde is in the urine as a result of oxidative stress and cellular inflammation.
Address Inflammation to achieve restored cellular health. If you don’t fix cellular dysfunction, you won’t get well.
For more info call/text Larisa at 732.996.6963 or email:larisa@stepbystep-wellness.com The test is done in office or in the comfort of your own home and results can be read in minutes!