Jennifer Scamorza’s Yoga University NJ is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of schools, organizations, businesses, communities, and families throughout New Jersey. The following services are offered: Academic Tutoring and Wellness Plans, Remote Learning Support, Yoga Activity Breaks, Mindful Study Skills and Strategies, Yoga Classes for Students, Teachers, and Families, Curriculum Development, Professional Wellness Workshops, and Yoga
Instructor Training.
Jennifer’s fifteen years of experience in NJ Public Schools include classroom instruction, coaching, curriculum development, and team leadership. She is a certified yoga instructor with 800+ hours of training and has been leading classes and wellness programs since 2009.
Jennifer specializes in Children’s Yoga, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and Yoga for Healing and
Recovery. She teaches students of all ages, life paths, and learning abilities in schools and
various communities, and instructs yoga classes for outreach programs in both mental health
and correctional facilities.
“Yoga University is an expression of everything about education that I hold near and dear:
respect for students and educators, finding balance within the school day, improving social and
emotional wellness, honoring the myriad learning abilities within a school community, and
building supportive school culture and climate.”
Visit for information about its many programs and offerings.