Come! Enjoy the bounty, sights and fragrance of our farm. Pick your own flowers, shop our harvest or join us for this month’s events.
On Saturday, August 5, in collaboration with Karen, Herbalist from Littlebrook Herb farm, we cordially invite you to “An Herbal Tea Party!” Enjoy an herbal buffet and herbal teas to inspire your own Tea Party. Herbal recipes included. Meet & Greet begins 10:30am, Tea is promptly at 11am. Space is limited. RSVP in the Events section of our website. Cost: $55
Then, on August 26 from 10-11:30am, bring your little ones to story time! Browse our observation stations and immerse yourselves in the storytelling, art, mycology drawings, and life of Beatrix Potter. Space is limited. Head to our website and RSVP in the Events section.
The brand-new Merrick Farm website officially launched this summer! We now have a centralized place for you to learn what’s happening on our Certified Organic farm. Visit the website to sign up for the latest news. As always, we look forward to seeing you on the farm!
For real time updates of what we are “Harvesting Now” visit us online at And follow us Facebook @MerrickFarm and Instagram @ Organicfresh2023.