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The Great Eliminator of Chinese Medicine

Writer's picture: Natural Awakenings M/ONatural Awakenings M/O

by Shoshanna Katzman

The large intestine meridian contains the most commonly used acupuncture point of large intestine 4 (he gu) located bilaterally on the back of the hand in the angle between the bones of the thumb and forefinger. This acupoint is known for tonifying yang energy, regulating the stomach and intestines, along with eliminating pain and toxins from the body. As with all acupuncture points, its name – “Joining of the Valleys” – has been attributed according to its translation from Chinese calligraphy and indicates its unique spiritual attributes and ways of delivering healing support. Just as valleys in the landscape of the earth wash away debris from the mountainside to the sea, this acupuncture point helps a person eliminate accumulated waste of their mind, body, and spirit.

As “The Great Eliminator”, treatment of this special acupuncture point releases physical constipation along with negative thoughts and attitudes. It is championed for creating the space for inherent inspiration and positivity to blossom through flushing out that which is stale and toxic. This is a prime example of how acupuncture works on a spiritual level to promote deep holistic healing.

Moving further into the Chinese medicine deep-dive, the large intestine is a yang organ system associated with the metal element and described as the “minister of transportation”. According to the classic text known as the Neijing: “The large Intestine is responsible for transportation of all turbidity. All waste products go through this organ.” Just as described in Western medicine, it receives waste from the small intestine, absorbs its fluid content, and then transports solids downward to the rectum for excretion.

Chinese medicine teaches that the large intestine is closely related to its paired organ the lung and the skin which are also important detoxification organs. We further learn that it contributes to balance and purity of bodily fluids including the control of perspiration. Its bowel cleansing function provides further support by helping clear congested lungs and bronchial passages. In return, the lungs improve bowel elimination through expanding and contracting the diaphragm during respiration.

Due to its association with the metal element, the large intestine is negatively impacted by sadness, grief, and worry. When its energetics are out of balance, body weakness and emotional retreat become the norm along with distress, discouragement, depression, apathy, irritability, and low self-esteem. Yet harmonious flow of the large intestine results in vibrant energy, good mood, mental clarity, along with improved organizational and discernment skills.

Just as “The Great Eliminator” acupuncture point, the eliminating function of the large intestine cleanses the body, mind, and spirit activating a continual release of toxic, negative, and destructive emotions and feelings. When this organ is healthy a person lets go of things no longer needed instead of allowing them to build up and block energetic flow. This provides the impetus to move forward anew in life.

§  positive attributes of the large intestine include righteousness, dignity, integrity, and high self-esteem

§  negative attributes of the large intestine include disappointment, sadness, grief, despair, anxiety, shame, and sorrow

The large intestine is nourished through drinking enough water to support peristalsis with a smooth and complete removal of waste. Eating more natural fiber from organic vegetables and dark leafy greens is also highly recommended. Limit consumption of cold foods and drinks (especially with ice) because they constrict the intestines and slow gastric motility. And be mindful that 5-7am is the best time for elimination as it is the time period that the large intestine organ system is at its peak according to the Chinese Medicine Body Clock.

In addition to receiving acupuncture to get you un-stuck, Chinese herbal medicine and the practice of Taiji and Qigong exercise are effective for strengthening energetic function of the large intestine. These Chinese medicine modalities help support its job of maintaining a clean body and clear mind through releasing old baggage. It helps one take in fresh new feelings, ideas, and inspiration – just as metal provides value to the earth through providing it with minerals and trace elements. Allow yourself to take the next step to heal naturally through these ancient philosophies and techniques which are as timeless as nature itself.


Shoshanna Katzman, L.Ac., M.S. has been director of Red Bank Acupuncture & Wellness Center ( for 35 years in Shrewsbury, NJ providing acupuncture, Chinese herbal consultation along with Taiji and Qigong private and group classes. She is author of “Qigong for Staying Young: A Simple 20-Minute Workout to Cultivate Your Vital Energy”, co-author of “Feeling Light: The Holistic Solution to Permanent Weight Loss and Wellness” and recently released “Center of Power: Life Mastery through Taiji” a comprehensive online curriculum ( For more information call or text 732-758-1800.



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